"Our best chance for happiness is education."
Mark VanDorn

"Information cannot replace education."
Imparato and Itarari

quarta-feira, 20 de outubro de 2010

Networking - Rede

"A professional network service (or, in an internet context, simply professional network) is a type of social network service that is focused solely on interactions and relationships of a business nature rather than including personal, nonbusiness interactions." Wikipedia.
So, is networking a professional service?  It can be if you are using Facebook, Orkut, Linked-in or other social networks to find people that you are interested in keeping contact with.  These websites are made for this exact purpose.

But, if you go to a bakery to buy your bread and milk, and happen to have some business cards with you in your pocket, you can give it to someone you meet if they are interested in your services.  Then, that person can recommend you to another person or give them one of your business cards.  The cycle can continue, similar to the viral marketing seen online with programs like YouTube.  This is one of the most effective low cost and often times no-cost ways to advertise.

It sounds like it is easy doesn't it?  You have to start small and it will build like a snowball rolling down a steep hill.  Start with business cards.  Do you have any now?  Have you ever thought about it before?  I did 3 months ago and it has proven to be a very worthwhile investment.  I got a return on my investment in the first month!! This is clearly a necessity for anyone in business today.

There are no secrets here.  Give someone a business card, they will give it to another and then one day you'll be all over the WORLD!
I know, I know... You must be asking yourself, "Why is Ariana writing about networking?" So I will answer you. "Because networking just came into my life recently and has helped me a lot.  I wanted to share my thoughts about life, love, English and learning through this blog."  Think of it as my journal to share with the world.  But you won't get all the good stuff... some of that stays with me and my penguin.  You know who you are..
Networking: "Um serviço de rede profissional (ou, no contexto da Internet, basta rede profissional) é um tipo de serviço de rede social que está focado apenas em interações e relações de natureza empresarial e não incluindo as interações pessoais, não comerciais." Wikipedia.Então, é networking um serviço profissional? Pode ser, se voce estiver usando Facebook, Orkut, Likedin ou outra rede social para encontrar pesoas/ grupos do seu interesse. Estes Websites são feitos para isso.
Mas se você vai a uma padaria, comprar o seu pão e seu leite, com o seu cartão de visita no bolso, e talvez dê para alguém, e então essa pessoa vai dar a outra pessoa, e assim por diante ... você simplesmente começou seu networking.Parece fácil, não é? Você tem que começar com uma coisa: seu cartão de visita. Você tem um? Você já pensou em ter um? Você deve tentar. Eu só tentei 3 meses atrás e funcionou muito bem, e ainda funciona.
Não há segredos: cartão de visita -> pessoa -> uma outra pessoa ->....-> e MUNDO!
Eu sei, eu sei ... Aposto que você deve estar se perguntando: "Por que Ariana esta escrevendo sobre networking?" E eu te respondo: "Porque o networking apenas entrou na minha vida, me ajudou muito e quero compartilhar meus pensamentos / vida / inglês / conhecimentos, através deste blog"
See you later, Aligator!

3 comentários:

  1. Who did introduce networking into your life, huh?! Your blog is just starting but I promise you, you will love it!!!

    Love you fofinha!!!

    You know you can count on me!


  2. Networking has become an important part in our life. With the development of the internet it has taken a extraordinary leap.Before the internet your network were the people around yourself, Now is Universal. We wrote an article for immigrants discusing the importance of networking,I think it is the continuation of your article.

  3. We just published the article in english
